Latest, Stuck Nation Radio Bob Hennelly Latest, Stuck Nation Radio Bob Hennelly

Listen: Hazel Dukes Remembered; 32BJ Fights Back!

By Bob Hennelly

The Stuck Nation Labor Radio Hour is kicking off Women’s History Month reflecting on the recent loss of civil rights leader Hazel Dukes, 92. FDNY Firefighter Regina Wilson, outgoing president of the Vulcan Society and the Vice President of the International Association of Black Professional Firefighters, talks about Dukes’ legacy, as well as the Trump administration’s assault on the federal civil service.

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Latest, Stuck Nation Radio Bob Hennelly Latest, Stuck Nation Radio Bob Hennelly

Listen: NY Airport Workers ‘Raise Up’ as Others Continue to Struggle

By Bob Hennelly

On this episode of the Stuck Nation Labor Radio Hour, we hear how through months of collective action ten thousand members of 32 BJ SEIU working at the region’s airports run by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey will see a significant pay boost of $2.25  over the next 13 months—and $25 by 2032.

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Latest, Stuck Nation Radio Bob Hennelly Latest, Stuck Nation Radio Bob Hennelly

Listen: NYS Comptroller Talks Democratic Party Debacle, Stock Transfer Tax, Medicare Advantage…

By Bob Hennelly

The Republican Party sweep of the White House and Congress has prompted fierce debate within the Democratic Party as to what went wrong who's responsible for the loss. Here in New York State, Democrats did manage to flip three House seats. But 2024 saw Trump pick 95,000 votes in New York City while Democrats loss a half-million votes,  according to the New York Times. 

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Latest, Stuck Nation Radio Bob Hennelly Latest, Stuck Nation Radio Bob Hennelly

‘If You’re Not Gonna Protect Our Healthcare, We’re Gonna Make Sure Someone Gets Elected That Does,’ Marianne Pizzitola Says

By Bob Hennelly

On this episode of We Decide: America at the Crossroads with Jenna Flanagan, we speak with Marianne Pizzitola, retired FDNY/EMT and president of the New York City Organization of Public Service Retirees and Alex Lawson, executive director of Social Security Works who discuss the growing national anxiety about the privatization of Medicare through profit-driven Medicare Advantage plans. 

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Latest, National Bob Hennelly Latest, National Bob Hennelly

Ignoring Low-Wage & Low-Wealth Voters Cost Harris

By Bob Hennelly

In the immediate aftermath of Vice President Kamala Harris’ defeat, the Washington Post op-ed page blamed the Democratic Party for its embrace of progressivism. This ignores entirely the decision to move the party to the center to accommodate  Rep. Lynn Cheney and her small army of disaffected Republicans who had been exiled out of their own party.

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Latest, Stuck Nation Radio Bob Hennelly Latest, Stuck Nation Radio Bob Hennelly

Listen: NYCOPSR President Marianne Pizzitola Sits Down with TWU Local 100 Retiree Luis Uribe, Whistleblower Wendell Potter

By Bob Hennelly

What does Trump’s election mean for the struggle to save Medicare from privatization? Health insurance industry whistleblower Wendell Potter tells all. Plus, New York City Organization of Public Service Retirees President Marianne Pizzitola sits down with TWU Local 100 retiree Luis Uribe…

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