When you are trying to change the world, it's not enough to quote facts and statistics…
Minds are changed and supporters are mobilized when their emotions are engaged. Stories of working people struggling for their fair share of society's bounty invite readers to walk in the characters’ shoes and to share their hopes and dreams, their joys and their sorrows.
Hard Ball Press is dedicated to mentoring working class writers and putting their stories into print, so the world can see their faces, hear their voices, and join them in their struggles.

Hard Ball Press Latest Releases Coming Soon…
Presente: A Dockworker’s Story. In 1980, an officer with the longshoremen’s union in San Francisco learned there was a shipment of military weapons on the docks waiting to be loaded onto a ship bound for the fascist government of El Salvador…Herb Mills, an officer in that ILWU Local, proposed that the union refuse to load the weapons…could they stop the shipment and keep out of jail? March 7
Who really makes history?
Radical Connecticut: Stories of People’s History in the Constitution State tells the stories of everyday people and well-known figures whose work has often been obscured, denigrated, or dismissed. March 15
Hey, kids! Did you know that you have real superpowers?
It’s true! Even if you are young, even if you are small — you and your friends and schoolmates have the power to make the world a better place!
Want to know how to release your powers? Read Little Meena and the Big Swim/La Pequeña Meena Y El Gran Nado. June ‘24
Hard Ball Press is partnering with the Maya Book Project and helping to preserve indigenous languages!
Little Heroes author Andy Carter has released his wonderful children's book Margarito's Forest in English-Mam and English-K'iche — the two most common indigenous languages spoken by the Maya people of Guatemala.
June ‘24