Latest, National Joe Maniscalco Latest, National Joe Maniscalco

Targeted Labor Leader Warns of More Government Repression!

By Joe Maniscalco

In an exclusive interview with Work-Bites in Times Square on Tuesday night, UAW Local 2710 President Grant Miner said the Trump administration’s naked attempt to crush the Columbia University’s student worker union is all part of an overall attack on labor and First Amendment rights. 

In other words: We’re all next.

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Latest, National Steve Wishnia Latest, National Steve Wishnia

Defying the ‘Wrecking Ball’: Federal Workers in NYC Protest Trump-Musk Purge

By Steve Wishnia

“How do you spell corruption? E-L-O-N!” about 250 picketers chanted in front of 26 Federal Plaza Feb. 19, in the first of two lower Manhattan protests to defend federal workers from the personnel purge by Donald Trump and his hectobillionaire hatchet man, Elon Musk. Five hours later, a crowd of about 750 filled the concrete island in Foley Square for an after-work rally.

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Latest, National Phil Cohen Latest, National Phil Cohen

Phil Cohen War Stories: The Union Saves a Good Man

War Stories By Phil Cohen

During the spring of 2008, 49-year-old Steve Garrett worked a second shift in the ICQA (Incoming Quality Control Assurance) Department at the Kmart Distribution Center in Greensboro, North Carolina. This small department was responsible for inventory control, product inspection, and organizing storage space in the huge warehouse. Forklifts were used to transport pallets of merchandise for these purposes.

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Latest, National Steve Wishnia Latest, National Steve Wishnia

Federal Workers Plan Feb. 19 Protests Against Trump-Musk Purge!

By Steve Wishnia

“We are putting out a distress signal to the American people,” says Chris Dols of the Federal Unionists Network.

The group, founded two years ago by leaders of locals in various federal employees’ unions, is organizing protests February 19 against the Trump-Musk administration’s assault on federal workers. It’s using the slogan “save our services.”

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Latest, National Joe Maniscalco Latest, National Joe Maniscalco

Surviving Frank Rizzo’s Philadelphia

War Stories By Phil Cohen

In 1943, Frank Rizzo joined the Philadelphia Police Department, worked his way up through the ranks to captain, and was eventually appointed police commissioner in 1967. He not only supported, but encouraged police brutality, racism, and corruption throughout the department. Four years later, he was elected mayor.

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Latest, National, Commentary Ryn Gargulinski Latest, National, Commentary Ryn Gargulinski

The Hangers were the Last Straw…

By Ryn Gargulinski

The hangers on the floor were the last straw. The hangers had been accompanied by tissue paper squares and plastic bags on the floor, with more papers, bags, hangers and random shirts strewn across the front counter next to the register.

That’s what I walked into one morning at the shirt shop at my part-time gig – a colossal mess. My mind went into tantrum overdrive.

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Latest, National Phil Cohen Latest, National Phil Cohen

Hard Knocks in Kabul and Beyond…


Editor’s Note: This is the final installment of Phil’s three-part saga chronicling his harrowing days trying to survive on the streets of Tehran and Kabul just prior to the Iranian Revolution and Russia's invasion of Afghanistan. 

We finally arrived at Kabul’s bus station at 10 p.m., where several taxis waited outside.  I glanced at my notes for the recommended hotel and appropriate cab fare, entered the rear door of the first car in line, stated my destination, requested the price upfront, and was told an amount consistent with my information.

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Latest, National Phil Cohen Latest, National Phil Cohen

Welcome to the Tenth Century!


Editor’s Note: This is Part II of Phil’s three-part saga chronicling his harrowing days trying to eke out a living on the streets of Tehran and Kabul just prior to the Iranian Revolution and Russia's invasion of Afghanistan. 

The guards aroused travelers at dawn and pointed us toward several white vans lined up near the crossing. I was instructed to board one of them, surrendered my bedroll to be tied on the roof but forcibly knocked the driver’s hand away as he reached for the guitar. When the rear door finally closed, I found myself in the most crowded environment I’d ever experienced. It made the New York subway during rush hour seem spacious by comparison.

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Latest, National Phil Cohen Latest, National Phil Cohen

On the Streets of Tehran and Kabul…


Editor’s Note: This is Part I of Phil’s three-part saga chronicling his harrowing days trying to eke out a living on the streets of Tehran and Kabul just prior to the Iranian Revolution and Russia's invasion of Afghanistan. 

The road goes on forever and the party never ends – Robert Earl Keen

In 1976, I’d been driving medallion taxis in New York City for two years, working several long night shifts per week, sufficient to pay the rent on my small apartment. I found myself living a lifestyle similar to the Robert De Niro character in Taxi Driver, the ultimate cinematic portrayal of a lonely job in the heart of urban ugliness, violence and alienation.

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Latest, National, Commentary Ryn Gargulinski Latest, National, Commentary Ryn Gargulinski

Thankful for…Good Bosses!?!

By Ryn Gargulinski

You can find bad bosses as easily as you can find mushy cucumbers in Florida or rats in New York City. But let’s not forget there are a ton of good bosses out there as well. OK, maybe not a ton. But enough to bring joy to our hearts, meaning to our work and a smile to our face every time we set out to work on a project for them.

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Latest, National Phil Cohen Latest, National Phil Cohen

‘The Conveyor Belt Incident’ — Part II


Editor’s Note: This is Part II of “The Conveyor Belt Incident.” Check out Part I here.

Fighting for Cicero

At noon on June 1, I sat at the long table in the plant conference room with Cicero and the executive board to prep for the president’s grievance hearing. An hour later, management took their places across from us.

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