Latest, Tri-State News Steve Wishnia Latest, Tri-State News Steve Wishnia

NYC Council ‘Progressives’ Keep Ignoring Chris Marte’s Bill to Protect City Retirees’ Medicare

By Steve Wishnia

New York City Councilmember Christopher Marte (D-Manhattan) is lead sponsor of the bill that would require NYC to continue offering retired municipal workers traditional Medicare plans, instead of switching them to for-profit Medicare Advantage plans—but none of his 17 colleagues in the Council’s Progressive Caucus have signed on as cosponsors.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

NYC Retirees Occupy Union HQ to Protest Medicare Advantage Push—AFL-CIO Says it Opposes Any Effort to Reduce Choice

By Joe Maniscalco

New York City Municipal retirees fighting back against the campaign to strip them of their Traditional Medicare coverage and into a profit-driven Medicare Advantage plan were once again denied a seat at the table this week, so just like the late Shirley Chisholm urged—they brought folding chairs.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

The Real Reason Why Democrats are Losing Ground—Failing the Working Class Just Like This!

By Joe Maniscalco

“This is why.”

Advocates for home care workers in New York are holding up the ongoing failure to end slavish 24-hour shifts, coupled with the state Department of Labor’s sudden decision to scrap a widespread probe into wage theft as prime examples of why Democrats and progressives are losing ground to Republicans and the right wing.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

Davis in Denial: Medicare Advantage Foes Refute TWU Local 100 Prez’s Claims of ‘Enhancing’ Retiree Benefits

By Joe Maniscalco

They work on the same subway tracks and roads. They help move the same people throughout New York City. But Metropolitan Transit Authority employees represented by TWU Local 100 and the Subway-Surface Supervisors Association do not experience retirement the same.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

What Could Working Class New Yorkers Do with $13 Billion Every Year?

By Joe Maniscalco

As far as many working class people are concerned, New York has become an increasingly strange and cockamamie place where shuttering neighborhood hospitals, stripping retirees of their traditional Medicare coverage, forcing older women of color to work round the clock shifts as home health aides, and selling off NYCHA housing are all treated as viable economic actions—but compelling Wall Street traders to pay their taxes and help keep the whole place from completely falling apart is just crazy talk.

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Latest, Tri-State News Steve Wishnia Latest, Tri-State News Steve Wishnia

NYC Drivers Push for Protections Against App Company ‘Deactivation’

By Steve Wishnia

As a caravan of striking Uber and Lyft drivers neared City Hall on Oct. 23, many of their rear windshields bore “Stop Unfair Deactivations!” placards.

A bill pending in the New York City Council is intended to do just that. Intro 276, sponsored by Councilmember Shekar Krishnan (D-Queens) and 11 others, would prohibit the “wrongful deactivation” of drivers at the two “high-volume for-hire vehicle” companies.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

Watch: New Bill to Protect NYC Retiree Healthcare is Unveiled

By Joe Maniscalco

“We are winning this Fight!”

New York City municipal retirees rallied outside City Hall on Wednesday in advance of a new bill by City Council Member Chris Marte that could finally end Mayor Eric Adams’ ongoing campaign to strip former city workers of the Medicare health insurance coverage they where promised at the start of their civil service careers.

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