Latest, National, Commentary Joe Maniscalco Latest, National, Commentary Joe Maniscalco

Triangle Factory Fire Reflections: We All Suffer When Women Workers are Ignored

By Bob Hennelly 

This week, a permanent memorial at the site of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in New York City will be dedicated to the mass casualty event that killed 146 mostly young immigrant women garment workers on March 25, 1911 and sparked a national movement for workplace safety and worker rights.

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Latest, National Joe Maniscalco Latest, National Joe Maniscalco

Scholastic Workers in NYC Can’t Wait Any Longer For a Contract!

By Joe Maniscalco

Was there ever a sweeter day in grade school than when somebody from the principal’s office walked into class holding a cardboard box and announced the Scholastic books everybody ordered were finally here? 

The roughly 80 Scholastic Union workers who’ve now spent a solid year trying to bargain for a living wage sure wish the “world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books” would get off the pot and extend some of that sweetness to them — right away!

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Latest, National Joe Maniscalco Latest, National Joe Maniscalco

Staffing Crisis Sparks Largest Health Care Strike In U.S. History 

By Bob Hennelly

The day before close to 85,000 Kaiser Permanente workers in several states hit the bricks in the largest healthcare strike in American history, the Washington Post reported the results of an explosive year-long investigation that revealed the country’s life expectancy was cratering in large measure thanks to premature deaths due to chronic illness.

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Latest, Stuck Nation Radio Joe Maniscalco Latest, Stuck Nation Radio Joe Maniscalco

Listen: Strikes Updated; Shutdown Averted, And More!

By Bob Hennelly

In part I of this week’s episode of the Stuck Nation Labor Radio Hour, we look at the 18th day of the United Auto Workers strike against the Big Three auto giants. The UAW has just reached a tentative contract deal with Mack Trucks avoiding a work stoppage at that iconic brand that’s now owned by Volvo. Talks were also scheduled to resume between SAG-AFTRA and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. The 160,000-member actor’s union has been out since July 14. The Writers Guild reached a tentative contract deal last week, which ended their five-month strike. Rank and file union members will be voting on the 94-page contract this week.

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Latest, Commentary, National Joe Maniscalco Latest, Commentary, National Joe Maniscalco

BREAK TIME WITH RYNSKI: How to Deal with Coworkers Who Drive You Nuts!

By Ryn Gargulinski

Krissie was easily Boss Man’s most favorite employee – and by far my least. We worked side-by-side at a New York City ice cream shop in the early 1990s. She was blond, perky and went to NYU. I was gruff, brunette and went to the bar. I also had dirt under my nails and liked to wear ripped-up tank tops to work.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

‘Council Members Gotta Stand Up [and] Have Some Spine,’ Intro. 1099 Sponsor Says

By Joe Maniscalco

New York City municipal retirees have spent nearly three years battling the most powerful public sector union heads in the city and now two separate mayoral administrations who together have shown themselves to be hellbent on tearing apart what a “good city job” used to mean in this town.

Like you, that all sounds absolutely crazy to City Council Member Charles Barron [D-42nd District], too.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

‘She is My Speaker - I Will Not Cross the Speaker’: ‘Protocol’ is Blocking a Hearing on Intro. 1099

By Joe Maniscalco

New Yorkers across the five boroughs elect 51 City Council members to represent them — but only one of those people actually calls the shots. If you didn’t already know it, there’s a “protocol” in place inside the hallowed halls of the New York City Council where members do not cross the will of one person — Speaker Adrienne Adams.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

NY Home Health Aides Sue Labor Dept. for Dropping Wage-Theft Probe

By Steve Wishnia

Five current or retired home health-care aides are demanding the state Department of Labor reopen its investigation into their wage-theft complaints. In a class-action suit filed in late August, they allege the department’s decision to end its probe after four years was “arbitrary and capricious,” says Carmela Huang of the National Center for Law and Economic Justice, one of the lawyers representing them.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

Listen: Labor Lions Take on Hospital Bosses in New Jersey

By Bob Hennelly

On this episode of the Stuck Nation Labor Radio Hour, Rev. Dr. William Barber joins Sara Nelson, president of CWA’s Association of Flight Attendants, in full support of United Steelworkers Nurses Local 4-200 on strike for safer staffing at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ since Aug. 4.

The hospital’s parent RWJBaranabas, which is self-insured, terminated the nurses’ health insurance earlier this month and has embarked on an expensive anti-union drive.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

Scandal in the Streets of NYC: ‘People Are Dying Unnecessarily’

Is a major occupational health issue for essential workers just being ignored?

By Bob Hennelly

For only the second time since the FDNY absorbed the city’s EMS workforce in 1996, the average response time for a city ambulance to answer a life-threatening emergency exceeded ten minutes. At 10:43, that response time was 36 seconds longer than the previous year, according to the Mayor’s Management Report [MMR] looking at fiscal year 2023 — and a 1:21 longer than what was reported four years ago.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

NLRB Steps In and Calls Liangtse Wellness Firings Illegal; Workers Demand Jobs Back

By Steve Wishnia

Two massage workers at a New York City spa are trying to get their jobs back after the National Labor Relations Board formally accused their employer of having fired them illegally last November.

“They have consistently treated us unfairly,” Tian Xiao May Qing, speaking through a translator, told reporters outside Liangste Wellness at 150 East 55th St. on Sept. 19. “When we complained, he fired us.”

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Latest, National, Commentary Joe Maniscalco Latest, National, Commentary Joe Maniscalco

Dead Planet Blues: What’s a Poor Working Person to Do?

By Joe Maniscalco

One night, just before Halloween, Rachel Rivera heard an alarming crack come from her 4-year-old daughter’s bedroom. She immediately raced in, scooped up the child in her arms and got out quick — right before the ceiling fell in on their Brooklyn apartment. Hurricane Sandy killed some 50 New Yorkers in 2012. Rivera and her daughter Marisol just missed being counted among the deceased.

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Latest, Podcast, Stuck Nation Radio Joe Maniscalco Latest, Podcast, Stuck Nation Radio Joe Maniscalco

Listen: Nurses on Strike, Retirees in Revolt, Climate Chaos and More!

By Bob Hennelly

On this action-packed episode of the Stucknation Labor Radio Hour, we’re talking about the UAW’s “Stand Up” strike; United Steelworkers Nurses Local 4-200’s strike for safer staffing at the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Jersey and what at stake for the general public — and SAG-AFTRA video gamers eyeing their own strike vote.

But that’s not all…

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Latest, Tri-State News, Commentary Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News, Commentary Joe Maniscalco

‘Jersey Elbow’ Epitomizes the Built-In Hostility Bosses Have for Workers Everywhere

By Joe Maniscalco

Something ugly and very troubling recently happened on the picket line outside the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, New Jersey that should tell us a lot about the ongoing strike at that particular institution.

But more importantly, it should also serve as a sobering warning about the class struggle working people throughout this country now face — and have, indeed, always faced when they collectively stand up to the bosses. 

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Latest, Tri-State News, Commentary Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News, Commentary Joe Maniscalco

An Open Letter to Striking Nurses at RWJ University Hospital…

By Timothy Sheard

Dear nursing sisters and brothers,

You have to be tender and tough if you are going to stay in the nursing profession for very long. Tender, because our patients are so vulnerable. So at risk of injury and death. So afraid.

And tough, because the work is so demanding, the bosses so disrespectful, and the pain of losing a patient so deep.

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