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Listen: Nurses on Strike, Retirees in Revolt, Climate Chaos and More!

By Bob Hennelly

On this action-packed episode of the Stucknation Labor Radio Hour, we’re talking about the UAW’s “Stand Up” strike; United Steelworkers Nurses Local 4-200’s strike for safer staffing at the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Jersey and what at stake for the general public — and SAG-AFTRA video gamers eyeing their own strike vote.

But that’s not all…

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Latest, Tri-State News, Commentary Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News, Commentary Joe Maniscalco

‘Jersey Elbow’ Epitomizes the Built-In Hostility Bosses Have for Workers Everywhere

By Joe Maniscalco

Something ugly and very troubling recently happened on the picket line outside the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, New Jersey that should tell us a lot about the ongoing strike at that particular institution.

But more importantly, it should also serve as a sobering warning about the class struggle working people throughout this country now face — and have, indeed, always faced when they collectively stand up to the bosses. 

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Latest, Tri-State News, Commentary Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News, Commentary Joe Maniscalco

An Open Letter to Striking Nurses at RWJ University Hospital…

By Timothy Sheard

Dear nursing sisters and brothers,

You have to be tender and tough if you are going to stay in the nursing profession for very long. Tender, because our patients are so vulnerable. So at risk of injury and death. So afraid.

And tough, because the work is so demanding, the bosses so disrespectful, and the pain of losing a patient so deep.

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Latest, Podcast, Stuck Nation Radio Joe Maniscalco Latest, Podcast, Stuck Nation Radio Joe Maniscalco

Listen: ‘Safe to Breath’-Revisiting 9/11’s Toxic Lies…

By Bob Hennelly

On this 22nd anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center which killed close to 3,000 people, we look at the public health fallout from U.S. EPA and New York City officials telling the world the air was "safe to breathe" following the attack when testing actually showed it was not. 

Thousands more have died following the initial attack from their exposure to that toxic air. 

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

NYC Labor Day Parade Showdown: Retirees Challenge Union Leaders On Medicare Advantage Push

Video follows story…

By Joe Maniscalco

This weekend’s New York City Labor Day Parade saw municipal retirees fighting to retain their Medicare coverage tangle with the heads of both the state AFL-CIO and NYC Central Labor Council over the duo’s opposition to Intro. 1099 — the City Council bill aimed at shielding traditional health insurance from Medicare Advantage and privatization.   

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Latest, National Joe Maniscalco Latest, National Joe Maniscalco

The Toxic 9/11 Cloud That Still Lingers Even West of the Hudson

Courtesy of InsiderNJ

By Bob Hennelly

On Sept. 11, 2001, 749 residents of New Jersey perished in the attack on the World Trade Center. Today, over 10,000 first responders and survivors from the state are enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Program as a consequence of their exposure to the air in lower Manhattan and portions of western Brooklyn.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

35 Retired Union Leaders Defend NYC Bill to Protect Medicare

By Joe Maniscalco

A letter sent to New York City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and signed by 35 retired union leaders — largely from the uniformed services — is calling further BS on claims that pending legislation aimed at protecting municipal retiree healthcare from privatization would somehow impinge on collective bargaining rights.

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Latest, National, Podcast Joe Maniscalco Latest, National, Podcast Joe Maniscalco

Listen: How Do Working People Confront the Threat of AI?

Work-Bites Network

Artificial Intelligence is here. But despite some lofty talk about the supposed potential benefits of AI for working people — what we, and every striking WGA and SAG-AFTRA member, now understands — is how multi-national corporations are using AI to maximize profit and minimize — or eliminate  — one of their most irksome business liabilities: the people they employ.

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Latest, National Joe Maniscalco Latest, National Joe Maniscalco

‘Death Star’ Law is Struck Down in Texas!

By Steve Wishnia

AUSTIN, Tex.—On Aug. 30, at the end of a summer in which the temperature in Austin topped 100° for a record 45 consecutive days, a local judge ruled unconstitutional a new state law intended to nullify local ordinances that require water breaks for construction workers.

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Latest, National Joe Maniscalco Latest, National Joe Maniscalco

‘The Man Who Changed Colors’: A Multi-Layered Working-Class Suspense Thriller

Courtesy of People’s World

By John Bachtell

In The Man Who Changed Colors, storyteller Bill Fletcher Jr. offers readers a many-layered political suspense thriller that had me enthralled from cover to cover. The story, told through the eyes of David Gomes, an undaunted reporter for the Cape and Islands Gazette, is set in Cape Cod, Mass., in the late 1970s and unfolds amid the dynamics and tensions of the Portuguese and Cape Verdean communities, the latter of which Gomes is a part.

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Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco Latest, Tri-State News Joe Maniscalco

‘It’s Really a Betrayal’: NYC Mayor Touts Civil Service Jobs While Retirees Are Left on the Sidewalk…

By Joe Maniscalco

Retired NYPD Lieutenant Jack LaTorre, 68, rode his bike over from Bay Ridge to Sunset Park Monday afternoon, hoping to ask New York City Mayor Eric Adams why he insists on trying to strip municipal retirees like him of their traditional Medicare benefits and push them into a profit-driven Medicare Advantage plan.

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