Listen: 32BJ Workers Under Attack/ Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2024
Industry standards are under threat in New York City. Photo courtesy of 32BJ.
By Bob Hennelly
This episode of the Stuck Nation Labor Radio Hour comes to you on Indigenous Peoples’ Day—previously known as Columbus Day—a federal holiday named for the Italian explorer who falsely claimed to have discovered America when it was already inhabited by indigenous people he violently attacked and enslaved. President Joe Biden formally recognized Indigenous People Day in 2021, when he signed a proclamation declaring that U.S. policies had “systematically sought to assimilate and displace Native people and eradicate Native cultures.”
On today’s show, we are joined by John Kane, a Mohawk and Native Rights activist who produces Resistance Radio heard on WBAI and our Washington D.C. sister station WPFW. We ask John about the impact of the so-called Doctrine of Christian Discovery and how he views participation in the 2024 election cycle.
But first, we visit with Dennis Johnston, the executive vice-president and director of 32 BJ SEIU’s Commercial Division about a really troubling development with a new player in the New York City commercial real estate sector that has hired a cleaning contractor that’s slashing wages by almost 50 percent for office cleaners and entirely eliminating healthcare benefits for their families. This unilateral attempt at eliminating the existing commercial real estate labor industry standards, re-enforced after COVID by a landmark contract, could set back workers a generation.
Listen to the entire show below: